Wednesday 3 July 2013

The basics of game......Part II

Hello... every one…. in this post I am going to deal with researches.
In my earlier post you must have known how important resources are. They are used for performing researches.
The library is a building where the most basic and the important researches are done. In the starting of the game you can always find a building next to the city which is the library.
There are 5 types of researches available in the library. Each type has 7 researches in it. 


Researches available in the library (zoomed) 

 You can see a set of researches in the above picture, there are 5 vertical columns each having 7 researches (horizontally). You can research the next only if you complete the research before it (sideways). These vertical columns are the 5 different types of researches namely (from the top):

1Age (Gold)

2. Military (Red)

3. Civics (Blue)

4. Economics (Green)

5. Science (Yellow)

1. Age - This research advances you through the 7 age available in the game. You can see roman numerals like II, III, and VIII etc. These are the number of ages in the game. The Ancient age or Age I cannot be seen because we start the game in the ancient age. To research an age you should perform some researches from the other four types of researches. Advance in age gives you availability of more modern new military unit, technology, and nation powers (a unique power or ability each nation, exp. Bantu has the power of migration).

2. Military - This research increases your nation's population limit, it is the maximum population a nation can have. Researching military can let you upgrade your units after an age is researched.

3. Civics -This research increases the maximum number of cities your nation can have. It requires to be researched frequently to enable your temple to research more and more. Most importantly it increases your national borders.

4. Commerce -This research is an important one because researching it would increase the maximum rate of gathering any resource, by increasing the commerce cap limit (The rate of gathering of any resource). 

5. ScienceThis is an awesome type of research because researching it decreases the cost of all technological researches by 10% and increases the speed of research by 10%. It increases the line of sight (The area of vision of a unit) of most units. It is needed for almost all economical upgrades (resource upgrades).

Researches in other fields.........

There are lot of researches in other fields too, such as units upgrade researches in barracks, docks, airbase, stable etc I will post about it in my next post.


Monday 10 June 2013

The basics of the game........ Part I

Hello this is my first post!!!!!!!!  I am going to help newbie players to excel in Rise Of Nations Thrones and Patriots.

Many players don't get the right idea of this game, they think "We just have to gain resources,build an army, and attack the enemy.......". But there is more than what you think there is to it..

In this post I am gonna explain the things to be done in the start of the game, and give you a head start into the game!!

Before that let me introduce you to the basics of the game.

Resources - This is the most important thing to know in the game. There are 6 different resources, each one of them are important in a different way.
They are Food,Timber(Wood),Wealth,Metal,Knowledge & Oil.

Food- This is one resource which will fuel your nation from the beginning to the end of the game.           Food is collected through farms. Each farm can have a civilian working in it. You can have upto to 5 farms in a city.If you have a dock create fishermen ships if you find fishes or whales select the ship and right-click on them to gather food.Food is used for researches in the library(which I will write about later in my posts),creating military units & civilians etc
Civilians gathering food from farms.
                                          Fishermen ship gathering food from fishes in the sea.

Timber(Wood)- This resource is collected from Lumber camps, Each lumber camp can have up to 1 to 10 civilians working in it depending on the size of the forest. Timber is used for researches in library, creating military units,building structures such as barracks etc.
                                                Civilians collecting timber from lumber camp.    

Wealth- This is the "MONEY" of the game. In the start of the game it is pretty hard to earn because you don't have any structure to gain wealth except for the "Temple", building temples would give give +30 wealth bonus(one time bonus) and it starts to generate wealth. Researching "Taxation" in the temple starts to increase the flow of generation of wealth. The output of wealth depends upon the area of territory we control in the map, the more we control the map the more wealth the temple generates. Wealth is used for researches in library, creating military units,building structures such as Wonders etc.
                                                              Temples generate wealth.

Metal- This basic resource is very important and is used for most of the military researches in the library,creating military unit,etc. You can mine metal by building a mine near cliffs and mountains.The number of civilians mining in a mine depends on the size of the mountain or cliff where the it is located.

                                                                      A mine near a cliff.

Knowledge- This is the "education" of your nation.  Unlike other resources, knowledge can only be gathered after a nation reaches Age II (Classical Age). Its is generated by a university which gives you a bonus of  25 knowledge (one time bonus) after being built. A university can have up to 7 scholars. They produce 5 knowledge each per 30 seconds (without any enhancement research in the university).
Knowledge is used for a variety of researches.This resource is a little hard to generate because only one university is allowed per city and some researches need up to 4400 knowledge.Wonders like Space Program and Super Collider needs more knowledge to build.
                                            Scholars learning in the university to gain knowledge.

Oil- This resource is only available when a nation reaches Age VI (Industrial Age). I consider oil as a game changer because the more oil you have the more powerful you are.As we reach Industrial Age you can start creating military unit such as Light Tanks,Biplane,Armored Car,Battle Ships,and also for building nuclear ICBM (a very devastating missile) which all needs oil.
A oil patch found on rocks.

A oil well built on the oil patch.

The location of oil is shown in the mini map as a white square. Mostly oil in found in rocks. Civilians can build an oil well on the location where oil is available to generate it.Oil is also found in seas in the form of oil patch, order your civilian to build a oil well(oil platform if on water)to gather oil from it. Only one civilian can work in an oil well or platform.Each oil well of platform will gather 35 oil per 30 seconds. So make sure you accumulate a lot of oil before building military units for an attack.

I will provide more information in my next post. Stay alert & please comment!!!!